
Create a Father's Day card for Dad

By Anastasia Suen

Make a Father's Day Card
A Homeschool Activity for
In Daddy's Arms I Am Tall: African Americans Celebrating Fathers

illustrated by Javaka Steptoe

Activity by Anastasia Suen


extras (magazine pictures, glitter, cloth, string, found objects)

For inspiration, watch the video Interview with Javaka Steptoe and read his Book Talk. Then gather your own collage materials and start working.

Will you make a portrait of you and your father and add it to your collage? Or will the collage itself be a portrait?

You can also create an inspirational image for your card, like Steptoe did for his "Seeds" poem.

After you think about what you want to create, fold a thick sheet of paper in half to make your card. The front of the card is for your collage.

Cut or tear the paper for your collage and place it on the top of the card to try out your design before you use the glue. When you create a design you like, glue it in place (and add any extras, like glitter, string, or seeds.)

Open the card up and lay it flat, so it can dry overnight. The next day you can draw on the collage if you would like. After the ink on the collage dries, write Happy Father's Day on the inside of the card and sign your name.

Happy creating!

Author/educator Anastasia Suen began teaching in the home. The author of over 100 books for children, she has also taught kindergarten to college in the classroom. Today homeschoolers use her blogs for book activities, reading lists, and writing lessons.

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