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International Holocaust Remembrance Day

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

International Holocaust Remembrance Day, an annual memorial day on January 27th, commemorates the over six million Jews who were murdered and millions of others who were persecuted by the Nazi Regime.

  • Listen to Doreen Rappaport introduce and share some of the backstory for creating Beyond Courage in this Meet-the-Author Recording.

  • Watch Elie Wiesel explain that he wrote his memoir Night out of a duty to bear witness to his experiences in the Holocaust in this recorded speech.

  • Share this audiobook excerpt from The Librarian of Auschwitz. Then, using this teacher guide as a starting point, have students think about what it would be like to have virtually no access to education, books, and other reading materials or information, such as newspapers and the internet. How would it affect their development and their future?

  • After hearing about the OSE (Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants – Children's Aid Society) in this audiobook excerpt for We Must Not Forget by Deborah Hopkinson, research the organization to learn more about their efforts during World War II.

  • Show the video book trailer for The Tower of Life, view some of the photographs in Yaffa’s collection in the link found in this curriculum guide, and reflect with students on the importance of photographs. Using the template in the guide, have students draw and caption moments from their life they would want to capture.

  • Ask students to think about heroes in the world around them, and injustices that they see in the world today, after listening to the Meet-the-Author Recording with Peter Sís about Nicky & Vera.

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